A four-year-old roan cow with her third calf topped the Westbroad Beef Shorthorn dispersal at Stirling, selling for an impressive 6500gns.
Home-bred rams were behind 4000gns and 3000gns shearlings from Grant Maxwell, Faughhill, Melrose. He sold his dearest, a son of Faughhill Hector, bred from Faughhill Cameo which has produced sons to ...
The first Valais Blacknose show and sale at Lanark saw prices soar to 11,000gns, with a clearance rate of 54. A strong debut for the breed.
Strong demand for fast-growing Suffolk shearlings drives a soaring trade, improving averages on the year with consistent weight and quality.
Discover why the CCC’s anti-livestock plans might be misguided and how they overlook the crucial role of UK farmers in sustainable agriculture.
The proposal is looking to coordinate millions of pounds of investment to inject into the Orkney diary sector. The money would provide financial support to the local dairy farm industry to enable them ...
Over 50 key industry figures met to discuss the challenges facing UK oilseeds, as the nation sees its lowest crop hectarage in four decades.
Experts urge the government to use real-time tech to improve food safety, ensuring every step from farm to plate is monitored and safe for consumers.
Sir John Campbell, iconic farmer and poultry leader, has passed. Glenrath Farm flourished under his vision, producing over a million eggs daily.
Scotland has seen a significant drop in beef cow numbers, losing over 8,400 in just 12 months. Find out what’s behind this dramatic change.
Chair of the Scottish Beef Association Paul Ross said: “The Climate Change Committee’s suggestion to reduce the beef herd further, will only lead to more imported product in the UK, that will no doubt ...
Strict rules banning children from farming areas may be too extreme. Could safer alternatives allow youth to engage in agriculture safely?