Laupäeval aset leidva MMA RAJU 16 vabavõitlusürituse tõmbenumbri Maikel Asturi vastane vahetus mõne kuu jooksul juba ...
Kallas rääkis Äripäeva raadio reedeses hommikuprogrammis, et pärast turunduskulutuste suurendamist hakkas tehtud töö vilja kandma. "Nägu on naerul," ilmestas Kallas. Eelmine kriis õpetas talle ...
“My hope is just to come in and play the game with everybody and have people watch at home and feel as comfortable as they did when [Pat and Vanna] were doing it together.” Earlier this ...
"Eestlastel on selline kummaline traditsioon vaadata televiisorit vana-aasta õhtul ja pühapäeva hommikuti ning ma olen selle üle väga tänulik," rõõmustas Välba. "On väga keeruline prognoosida, mis ...
It appears American Idol star Ryan Seacrest did not make it too easy for Vanna White to work alongside him when he took over Wheel of Fortune. Credit: Disney/ABC Wheel of Fortune, one of the ...
Vanna White admitted she was 'very scared' about not having chemistry with new 'Wheel of Fortune' host Ryan Seacrest after co-hosting with Pat Sajak for 41 years. Ryan Seacrest is about to officially ...
, White, 67, addressed her working relationship with Seacrest, 49, after taping her first episodes of the game show without longtime host Pat Sajak, 77. “I’ve known Ryan for probably 20 years,” said ...
Don’t be surprised if the chemistry between Ryan Seacrest and Vanna White is already there when Seacrest joins her on “Wheel of Fortune.” Seacrest, who is replacing Pat Sajak as host of the ...
The Massachusetts dad who was found dead Monday during a family vacation to Hilton Head Island died by suicide, officials said. Stanley Kotowski, 60, hanged himself “underneath” a home near ...
Kennedy Jr. to be investigated regarding a resurfaced report in which his daughter, Kick Kennedy, said he cut the head off a dead whale. The Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund issued a ...
Juba kolmapäeval jõuab Go3 vahendusel vaatajateni uus tõsielusaade „Mida Mallukat!“, mille vahendusel saab jälgida Eesti kõige kõmulisema blogija argielu. Teisipäeva õhtul korraldati uue saate auks ...