Neocolonialism has led to an imbalance in the production of knowledge and a clunky imposition of frameworks and models of ...
Medical Experimentation and the Price of Saying No, Carl Elliott describes how he found himself careening through one of those unwelcoming inner courtyards that you find in large hospital centres.
R esearchers looking for objects in the Kuiper Belt – the donut-shaped region beyond the orbit of Neptune containing icy ...
Social Media, Infodemic, Trust, Infox, SARF, Fake News, Disinformation, BERT, VADER Share and Cite: Banyongen, S. (2024) Infodemic: Social Media and the Amplification of the COVID-19 Crisis in Canada.
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. The serine/threonine protein phosphatase 5 ...