Time can be a cruel thing. While it gave us some really great things like Time Crisis 2, it can also make us bald and fat.
With its unique controller, emphasis on entertainment over technological power, and one of the most expansive libraries of ...
RPGs on the Wii were one of the casualties of Nintendo’s switch to a more casual audience, and a lot of players gravitated ...
We mentioned the online capabilities of the Nintendo GameCube earlier, or the almost lack thereof, as the entire functionality is propped up by the existence of Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1 & 2 ...
With amazing launch games like Tetris, simple controls, and the ability to get hours of gameplay on just four AA batteries, Nintendo’s Game Boy became a groundbreaking success.There’s a lot ...
With over 1600 games released across its lifespan, you’re obviously talking about some not so bountiful bangers all the time when it comes to the 3DS.Cut those games out however, and you’re ...
Generally speaking, the gaming industry is a lot better these days at ensuring games and consoles from all over the world are shared with everyone, instead of games being locked to specific regions.
Have you ever had that one friend, or met someone in your life that you like despite the fact that they made an awful first impression? We can think of a bunch of PlayStation 1 games which have ...
Though Nintendo’s handhelds have no shortage of quality RPGs, the same can’t be said about their home consoles. While there have been some real gems over the decades, the Nintendo 64, GameCube ...
So it seems like you fine folks love it when we throw some lesser known PlayStation trivia your way, so it’s a good job for you that we’ve found a bevy of obscure tidbits about the PS3 that ...